The art of ‘Debating’’ is finely linked to truth and oratory, which can positively influence the listener to make the right choices. Everyone is a winner in a debate, as the participant hones the skill at being persuasive without being authoritative, thinks critically without being swayed by popular notions, and appreciates divergent views with a presence of mind and gears up his language skills to match the horizons of his thoughts. Debate is a platform to engage in responsible dialogues, listen conscientiously and discern right from the wrong.​
Event Specifications:
Event : DEBATE (Kannada)
ï‚· Day and Date of the Event : Friday 21, July 2023
ï‚· Eligibility : Classes 6-8
ï‚· Type of Event : Individual
ï‚· Number of participants : 2 per school
Rules and Procedures:
ï‚· There will be two rounds.
ï‚· Students who qualify the first round will participate in the second round.
First Round-Preliminary Round:
The first round will be "Pick and Speak” each participant will be given a topic ten minutes prior to their speech.ï‚·
ï‚·Total time limit given to each participants will be 3 minutes.
ï‚· The participants will be judged individually.
ï‚· 10 participants will be shortlisted for the 2nd round on the basis of their performance in the 1st round.
Second Round-It is the final round
Rules and Procedures:
The participants have to be prepared for both ‘For’ and ‘Against’ as they might get either topic to speak.ï‚·
Each participant will speak for 2 minutes and have 1 minute for rebuttal to voice their opinions on the other speakers.ï‚·
The participants will be judged individually.ï‚·
ï‚·The selected participants will be given ten minutes to organise their points of view before the commencement of the debate.
Appropriate language and decorum should be maintained at all times.
Participants will not be allowed to read from a piece of paper. They will be disqualified if they do the same.
All the participants must wear their respective school uniforms for the event.
It is mandatory to read and understand the General instructions for the smooth flow of events.
There will be an Energy Break of 40 minutes after the first round.
ï‚·Note: Debate topic will be released to the registered school by 17July 2023.
The Best Speaker and The Runner-Up will be awarded to the top two participants based on their individual performances.
The decision of the Judges is final and binding.
Last date for Registration is Monday, 10th July 2023.
Judgement Criteria
ï‚· Participants will be judged on the basis of Content, Clarity, Logical organisation of thoughts, Fluency and Confidence
Teacher In-charge : Mr Nanjegowda CS from 3:00 pm to 4:00 pm
Contact no.: 9035762726